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Last 30 Day Plan For MCI EXAM

Since the last 30 days are the most crucial days in your preparation so as to get a good score in your exam, one has to plan accordingly.

The FMGE paper consists of 300 Q’s and one has to score 150 marks in order to qualify the exam.

SCORING 0 OR 149 DOESN’T MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Getting that one extra mark 149+1 will change the result .

Here are a few tips you wish you had known them before:

  • You need to integrate  the subjects in order to cover all the 19 subjects in 30 days. For example, when you are studying the cardiovascular system (CVS), you also need to study the cardiovascular system in all the other subjects, like CVS of Anatomy, CVS of Physiology, CVS of Pathology etc. Doing this it’ll help you to connect all the subjects simultaneously and also makes it easier for you to solve the clinical/case related questions asked in the afternoon session.
  • DO NOT LEAVE SHORT SUBJECTS!! Short subjects are high yielding scoring subjects that will help you get that 1 mark. So there you go..
  • Solve MCQ’s on a daily basis, and this point of time one must be able to do at the least 50 MCQ’s/day. This will not only trains your brain to think analytically but also preps you for the real exam. We recommend ‘FMGE SOLUTIONS by Dr.Deepak Marwah’ book to refer to solve MCQ’s. If you are unable to solve the question..we suggest you go back to your notes and refer the topic again.
  • If there’s a doubt regarding a question, please do not try to find the solution in WhatsApp/Facebook/or in other materials, doing this will only make you more confused. Instead, refer to the standard textbook.
  • DO NOT READ LINE-TO-LINE NOTES..and save yourself time. Do quick revisions and concentrate/prefer only one particular material. Prefer that one book that works for you.
  • In your extra time or at times when don’t feel like studying-study one-liners of the on-going topic (at the end of the book, if you are referring fmge solutions book)
  • Make sure you involve a good amount of sleep (that’s sometimes is not possible with all the burden one has regarding the exam, But still try and get some proper sleep). Study in the morning and sleep at night. In doing so, you’ll get used to stay awake and active during your real-time exam.
  • Maintain a healthy diet. A diet that helps you and your brain to stay active.
  • And last but not the least PUT YOUR PHONE AWAY!!! and thank us later ðŸ˜‰
ENT1 Day
PSM2 Days
OBG2 Days
NOTE: This is a tentative study schedule, you can change it according to your strong and weak subjects.

Example: If you think your medicine is strong, you can minimise the number, of days given for medicine and add it to your weak subjects.

Likewise, if you think you are lacking in subjects that are mentioned at the last and want to study them first, you can always change them accordingly. Whatever works for you.

Since we know…giving only days schedule will be not fair, we have also decided to give you the topics that you MUST read in the given time.

NOTE: We are not promising that only these topics will be asked in the exam. But, these are the topics one must definitely study.


  • Head and Neck: All the triangles, Important foramen at the base of the skull, the circle of Willis, muscle of mastication, N/S, B/S.
  • Lower limb: N/S & B/S of muscles, Origin and insertion of thigh & gluteal muscles, Ankle joint, Knee joint, Perforaters, Femoral canal/triangle, Adductor canal, Popliteus canal, Sciatic N.roots
  • Upper limb: N/S & B/S, Origin and insertion of muscles of the arm, shoulder joint, Brachial plexus & its injuries, Elbow joint, Cubital fossa, Wrist joint, Anatomical snuff box and its contents, Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • IBQ- Lumbricals, Intraosseous muscles
  • Thorax: Position of Heart, Lungs, Diaphragm, Perforation of IVC, Esophagus, Abdominal aorta at the diaphragm.
  • Abdomen: Abd muscles, the relation of kidney, spleen, ureter with adjacent organs. Rectus sheath, Inguinal ring/canal, Appendix positions, Bladder, Urethra, Testes, Hernias
  • Embryology: Spermatogenesis/Oogenesis, Gastrulation, Descendants  of testes, Primitive pit, Folding of the embryo, Interatrial septum, Development of the genitourinary system, implantation of the embryo, Remnants, Chorionic villi, Organ development, Mid-gut rotation
  • Neuroanatomy: Cranial nerves, Brain, Cerebellum, Functional areas, Thalamus, Ventricles, Cerebellar nuclei, Corticothalamic tract, Spinothalamic tract, Spinal nuclei,
  • Lumbar puncture procedure and position.


  • General physiology: Structure and function of cells, Nerve and Muscle physiology, Action potential, Active transport, Passive transport, Extracellular fluid and Intracellular fluid volume.
  • GIT: Gastric gland cells functions, Neural control, Secretions, Motility, Disorders of git.
  • CNS: Motor functions of the Brain stem, Cortical,& Spinal cord, Cerebellum, Basal ganglia, Learning and Memory, States of brain activity-[Sleep-wake EKG, brain waves, epilepsy], ANS, Adrenal medulla, Neurotransmitters
  • CVS: Heart physiology, Cardiac cycles, Heart sounds,
  • Lung: Respiration physiology, Pulmonary ventilation, Regulation of respiration, Respiratory Insufficiency-pathophysiology
  • Kidney: Renal physiology, Renin-angiotensin system
  • Endocrine hormones-Mechanism of actions & response
  • Ear physiology, hair cells
  • Eye physiology, receptors and neural functions


  • Cell injury, Necrosis, Distinguishing features of reversible and irreversible injury, Different staining techniques, Bacteriocidal in neutrophils-Resp.burst, E/M findings of Apoptosis, Apoptotic and Anti-apoptotic genes, Gamma gandy bodies, Heart failure cells, Examples of cANCA & pANCA, Hep.B graph, Nephrosclerosis [RPGN/FSGS/IgA]- clinically features
  • HLA-[Behcet syndrome/SLE/Psoriasis], Hypersensitivity reactions and examples, Activations of the classical pathway, Bence Jones proteins, Tamm Horsfall protein.
  • M/C tumours of Heart, GIT, CNS, primary/secondary.


  • Cycles of Glycolysis, Gluconeogenesis, Kreb cycle, Urea cycle & diseases associated with deficiency of enzymes,
  • Amino Acids classification[simple/branched/acidic/basic],
  • Primary/Secondary/Tertiary protein structures
  • *Rate-limiting enzymes
  • Gout/Lesch Nyhan syndrome/Alkaptonuria,
  • Electron transport chain
  • Heme synthesis/PPP
  • Types of DNA-stabilizing bonds, splicing activity, types of RNA, Gene slicing/switching/jumping genes, PCR-steps & enzymes used, characteristics of a codon, uses of FISH,
  • Northern blot/Southern blot/Western blot/Dot blot tests-uses
  • Fatty acid synthesis & metabolism
  • Role of HDL/LDL/VLDL/Chylomicrons
  • Albinism [enzyme defect/different types]
  • Defects in Xeroderma pigmentosa
  • Ame’s test


  • General pharma: Efficacy and potency of a drug, schedules of drug regulations, clinical trials and  it’s study designs, G protein-coupled receptors, first order and zero order kinetics,  Half-Life of drugs, the volume of distribution, first pass metabolism
  • ANS: location of different receptors and its action,  receptors present in the eye / anticholinergic drugs in the eye.
  • Atropine and organic phosphate poisoning.
  • Beta blockers, uses of  neostigmine
  • Extrapulmonary symptoms and treatment
  • Side effects of antipsychotic agents
  • Non-epileptic uses of phenytoin, Valproate,  topiramate
  • Drug of choice in seizures
  • Withdrawal symptoms in  opioids and treatment
  • Lithium/SSRI/TCA-Side affects
  • ACE  inhibitors/Renin Inhibitors- side effects and their  role in hypertension,
  • Digoxin- Uses, mechanism of action, side effects
  • Bile acid sequestration drugs
  • Tetracycline- mechanism of action and side  effects
  • The 4th and 5th  generation of cephalosporins
  • Vancomycin-MRSA
  • Side Effects of anticancer drugs,
  • Diabetes-side effects of different drugs
  • oral insulin


  • Role of Glutaraldehyde in sterilization, Sterilization techniques for Bronchoscope/ laryngoscope,
  • Bacteria used for ionization radiation, Hot Oven
  • Bacteria: Bacteria cell structure, M/c bacterias infections clinically, Gram -ve/+ve bacterias, coagulase -ve/+ve,
  • Quilling  reaction/ Neufold  reaction/Naegler’s reaction
  • Citron body- clostridium
  • Motility types in bacteria,
  • Dick test/Shick test/Frei test/String test-uses
  • Different culture media
  • Difference between pointaic fever/Glandular fever/ Oraya fever/Glander’s disease
  • Atypical pneumonia- causes
  • Reverse camp test
  • Appearance of an organism [eg.kidney shaped org., drumstick-shaped org., half-moon shape org.]
  • Kanagawa phenomenon/satellitism
  • O 157-EHEC
  • Transport media
  • Inclusion bodies [ intracytoplasmic/ intranuclear]
  • General and systemic virology-[structure of viruses, DNA & RNA viruses, incubation/latent/window periods]
  • Fungi: characteristics, Septate/Non-septate branching hyphae, fungal infections seen in HIV
  • Parasites: differentiating between E.Histolytica/Giardiasis/Paragonimus Westermani etc., Parasites causing cancer, Shape of the eggs[concave/convex/barrel shaped]
  • NCC-staging [ESCOBAR staging], radiological appearance, treatment]
  • Casoni test/  Montegero test/Scotch tape test
  • Sabin Feldman dye test
  • Romana sign-Chaga’s disease

Forensic medicine

  • Medical ethics,
  • Consent, Duties of a medical professional
  • Autopsy-methods, techniques, incisions
  • General injuries-[thermal/bullet/road accident injuries]
  • Laws and section (just a read)
  • Toxicology
  • Hanging, Drowning, Homicide etc.
  • Premortem & Postmortem changes of the body
  • Sexual Offences
  • Common Snakebite poisoning/plant poisoning


  • Heart: STEMI/NSTEMI, Atherosclerosis, Arrhythmias, ECG, Different cardiomyopathies, Endocarditis (*jones major/minor criteria)/Pericarditis, WPW syndrome-cases/management, Pulse types, Heart sounds/murmurs, Congenital heart disorders-C/F, radiological appearance
  • CNS: Basal ganglia, Cerebellum anatomy& dysfunction, causes of raised ICP-[clinically features/management], Cauda equina, Meningitis-[differntial diagnosis/management], CJB, Tabes dorsalis,
  • Glasgow Coma Scale, PD/AD/Epilepsies
  • Lung: Pulmonary function tests, Cor pulmonale, COPD, Thromboembolism, Pneumonia[typical/atypical]-CURB-65 scoring
  • GIT: Upper/lower git bleeding causes, Esophagus diverticulums, Peptic/Duodenal ulcers, Inflammatory bowel diseases[UC/CD-differentiation]-clinical features, management, Malabsorption syndromes[ Whipples dis., Tropical sprue, Bacterial over syndrome]-C/F/tests/management, Hepatitis, Mallory hyaline bodies, Jaundice[Gilbert/Criggler-Najer/Dubin Johnson/Rotor], Cholangitis, Wilson’s disease, Peutz Jehger syndrome
  • Kidney: AKI/CKI, Glomerular diseases[Nephritic/Nephrotic syndromes], HUS&TTP, Bartter/Liddle/Gitelman syndromes, Renal tubular acidosis, Vasculitis
  • Endocrine: DM/DI-case/complications, Adrenal insufficiency[symptoms/diagnosis/treatment],
  • Cushing/CONNs/Addisons’s[differential diagnosis, diagnosis, management], Carcinoid syndromes, MEN1/MEN2syndromes, *Cancers of thyroids
  • Haematology: Normal parameters of blood, Anemia of chronic diseases, Sickle cell anaemia, Iron deficiency, Megaloblastic, Hemolytic, Hereditary, G-6-PD, Thalassemias-[C/features, diagnosis, management], ALL/CLL, Myeloproliferative disorders, Lymphomas[Hodgkin/Non-Hodgkin lymphoma]


  • Types of shock, grades of Hypovolemic shock, BPH & Ca prostate, Ca testis/Hydrocoele/Varicocele/Torsion of testis
  • Anal Ca-symptoms/Nigro regimen
  • Ca rectus-Duke staging
  • Maltoma/GIST-differentiation/symptoms/management
  • Sigmoid volvulus/Intussusception/Diverticulitis-[differential diagnosis, Treatment]
  • Serpiginous ulcer
  • Choledochal cyst, Caroli’s disease, Cholangio Ca
  • Catheter-associated UTI
  • Signs of surgical site infections
  • Burns-’Rule of 9’
  • Ca lip/base of the tongue
  • Ranula/Cystic hygroma
  • Staging and likewise treatment of Breast Ca
  • HPE of Thyroid Ca/Types of Thyroid surgeries
  • Ca pancreas


  • Anatomical support of the uterus
  • Types of prolapse& surgeries[e.g. Lefort Sx/Sling/Shirodhkar operation]
  • Gestational diabetes & infantile of Diabetic mother
  • Glucose challenge test/OGTT-values
  • Cancers: *Vulvar/Cervical/Ovarian/Uterine[HPE findings, staging]
  • Twinning[Twin to Twin transfusion syndrome]
  • Molar pregnancies
  • Ectopic pregnancies [site, triad, management]
  • Infections[Bacterial vaginosis, Candidiasis, Trichomoniasis]
  • Abortions
  • PCOD-diagnosis/criteria/radiological appearance
  • HCG-in pregnancy & ectopic pregnancy
  • Physiological changes during pregnancy
  • Amniocentesis, Cordocentesis-age & risk factors
  • Shake test
  • Normal characteristics of the placenta and associated pathology
  • Biophysical test/Non-stress test/Amniotic fluid index
  • Shoulder dystocia-different manoeuvres used for management
  • Signs of IUFD & their characteristics
  • Techniques of PAP smear/Tubal patency test
  • Secondary sexual characters development in Turner syndrome/MRKH
  • Amenorrhoea-primary, secondary
  • Ashermann syndrome/Sheehan syndrome-case based
  • Hormonal replacement therapy
  • Treatment of infertility
  • OCP


  • Neural tube disorders
  • Neonatal jaundice-physiological and pathologic
  • Congenital heart diseases
  • Diarrhoea-management
  • ARI-control programme
  • Developmental milestones
  • Anthropometry
  • Congenital hypothyroidism


  • Examples of primary/secondary/tertiary preventions
  • Cohort/Case-control/Retrospective cohort studies-differences & uses
  • DALY(definition)
  • Definition of Elimination and Eradication
  • Sentinal surveillance/Iceberg phenomenon[ex. What diseases show iceberg phenomenon?]
  • Elimination of confounding factors [ex. Randomization]
  • Vaccines and their strains[*Rabies, Malaria, Yellow fever, JE, Mumps, Measles, Varicella, Dengue fever]
  • Vaccines storage/transportation/live/killed
  • Side effects of vaccines
  • ASHA/Multi-purpose workers/Anganwadi workers/CHC/PHC
  • Waste disposal techniques
  • Colour coded kits for STI & their uses
  • Vision 2020 pyramid
  • Different health programmes in India[ex. ESI act, to control blindness, control of the spread of infections etc.]
  • Water chlorination & disinfection
  • Pearl index
  • Contraceptive of choice[ex. OCP preferred in lactating women, in newlywed etc.]
  • Hospital waste management-colour coding & disposal techniques
  • Different food adulteration
  • Classification of pre-term child Vs overweight newborn
  • Rickettsial diseases
  • Difference between herd and contact immunity
  • Difference between index and primary cases
  • Demography[early Vs late expanding]
  • Incubation/Infective periods
  • TB-treatment/changes
  • Zika virus


  • Structure of eye, muscles of the eye, N/S, normal parameters
  • Lens-associated pathology
  • Retina-associated pathology
  • Cornea-associated pathology[cataract-types/surgeries]
  • Glaucoma-symptoms/management


  • Image-based-[recognize morphology and distribution of diseases]
  • Focus mainly on common skin diseases, infections
  • STD, Leprosy, Pemphigus Vulgaris/bullous, Psoriasis
  • Disorders of Nail/Hair
  • Disorders of pigmentation


  • Fractures of the upper limb: radius, ulna, condylar fractures, wrist fractures, carpal tunnel syndrome, compartment syndrome-managements, methods used
  • Fractures of the lower limb: femur, tibia & fibula,
  • M/C tumours of the bones
  • Nerve injuries
  • Types of fractures-management


  • Anatomy and physiology of ear, nose & throat and associated pathology/management


  • Schizophrenia, Organic mental disorders, Substance abuse and withdrawal symptoms, Mood disorders, OCD, Personality disorders
  • Bulimia nervosa/Anorexia nervosa
  • Sleep disorders


  • General anaesthesia: Intravenous and inhalation gases
  • Sellick’s manoeuvre/Mendelson’s syndrome
  • Physical properties/Systemic effects/MOA/Contraindications of anaesthetic gases
  • Blood-Gas coefficient values
  • Pin index/Colours of cylinders


  • Basics/General properties  of MRI, CT, X-ray, Doppler, Mammography, PET
  • T1-T2 weighted differentiation,
  • Investigation of choice, C/I of MRI, CT, X-ray
  • Radiological appearances of associated pathology

NOTE: If there is anything you haven’t read before, any topic mentioned above-please do not stress on reading it in the last moments. However if time permits, you can just go through the topic and get an idea about it.



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