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FIVE hacks on how to overcome Overthinking and negativity before FMGE screening examination

1. Analysis paralysis is what most medical students develop after a bad score in first attempt. This results in self-pity and self-doubt and friction with parents and friends. So, first is to be learn to mask the pain and be extra sweet to everyone on outside. Use the pain to motivate you to study extra hours.

2. Don’t be too focused on one small mistake made on one bad day of examination when your mind stopped working. Rather use this time to become more knowledgeable and wiser.

3. Let it out and talk it over with friend or family. Venting out your frustration into some body close is better than bottling up with negative emotions. Stay out of groups over cup of tea who either boast about completed 10 subjects already when you are struggling to complete third subject. They are doing it superficially and being fast reader does not mean through understanding of subject

4. Train daily into doing subjects which you are afraid of since medical college days. Don’t postpone and it is now or never.

5. Negative energy can be seen as a low point in mood that can pervade throughout your whole body and to those around you. So, keep away from negative people and start pushing your limits by focusing more per hour. Sleep deprivation will make you more negative as irritable mind is recipe for disaster. Most students.


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